involving Parents in our Plan

While making our action plan, we wanted to think of ways to encourage our families to reuse and recycle at home too, and also give the opportunity to the children to talk about Eco School.

While making our action plan, the children and teachers at our school wanted to encourage families at home to reuse and recycle too. We decided to plan a morning where the parents were welcome to join our morning session, giving the children an opportunity to talk about Eco School, and also complete a activity together. We took inspiration from the Eko Skola website, looking at what other schools and done and decided to make a shopping bag from an old t-shirt. We invited parents and asked them to bring a t-shirt that could not be used any more and had pictorial instructions for the children and parents to work together.
After the event, we were able to share the activity on our school Facebook and Instagram pages, so sharing with our wider school and local community how we have been taking part in the Eco School program.

Hanna Millar, Riverside school – Early years

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